City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
Development Review Committee  
Thursday, May 2, 2024  
9:00 AM  
2nd Floor Conference Room  
The DRC and Informational/Pre-application meeting is held both in  
person and in a virtual environment via Microsoft Teams and can be  
accessed by the following methods:  
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M.  
Present:2 -  
Excused:2 -  
Chair Phyllis Wallace  
Member Carl Lynch  
Member Jessica Entwistle  
Member Leigh Grosvenor  
Stand in for Planning and Development Services: Alternate Jonathan Knight.  
Stand in for Fire Safety: Alternate Samuel Schaller  
Also present: Alternate Sharon Shivers; Alternate Assistant Building Official,Chad Tate;  
Nelly Kerr, and Milton Robles, Planning and Development Services; James Parrish, Bobbie  
Degon, and Tony Elam, Deltona Water; City Attorney, Marsha Segal-George; James  
Vandercrake, Infinity Engineering Group; Jon Hall, LPT Realty;and Chris Casey, Zahn  
Minutes of April 18, 2024  
Motion by Carl Lynch, seconded by Samuel Schaller to approve the  
Minutes of April 18, 2024, as presented. The motion carried  
5. PUBLIC FORUM: Time permitted, public comments shall be limited to items on the  
agenda and shall not exceed two minutes. Please be courteous and respectful of the  
views of others. Personal attacks on Committee/Board members, City staff or  
members of the public are not allowed and will be ruled out of order by the Chair.  
Big Dan’s Carwash - 500 Howland Boulevard - Pre-application Meeting  
Applicant James Vandercrake gave an overview of the project, and history of the property.  
He spoke regarding the existing utility infrastructure that they plan on utilizing for the car  
Discussion occurred regarding storm water.  
Chair Wallace gave an overview of the zoning of the two lots, and explained the applicant  
will need to be mindful of the surrounding zoning. She stated a survey of the existing  
location, including trees would need to be supplied with the submittal.  
Alternate Knight spoke regarding the process of submitting Final Site Plan. He explained  
the parking requirements, including the need for a parking island every 10 spaces and  
dump truck access.  
Alternate Schaller spoke regarding an auto turn exhibit, fire rescue access to the parking  
lot, and a fire hydrant requirements.  
Discussion occurred regarding fire flow and driveway width requirements. Discussion  
continued regarding a fire flow test needing to be conducted with a third party and  
scheduled with the fire department.  
Mr. Parish spoke about existing water sources and utilities on the property. He stated the  
site with the proposed use would require a minimum of a five (5) horsepower pump force  
main with 6-inch piping.  
The applicant stated they plan on using potable water for the car wash and reclaimed water  
for the irrigation of the property.  
Alternate Knight stated a Traffic Impact Assessment would be required.  
1700 Doyle Rd. - Pre-application Meeting  
Applicant Jon Hall gave an overview of the properties and a history of the area.  
Chair Wallace stated there is water available on the properties, and a pond would be  
needed to meet the impervious requirements for the property. She stated the properties  
would need to be combined before any development occurring on the site.  
Discussion occurred regarding setbacks and storm water.  
Mr. Parrish stated there is a water main and a reclaim line on Doyle Road. He stated there  
is no sanitary sewer currently at the property, and that a lift station would be required.  
Discussion occurred regarding Doyle Road being a Volusia County Road.  
Alternate Knight spoke regarding the restrictions for development on the lot including  
setbacks, parking, building size, and access to the property.  
Chair Wallace stated a survey of the property would be needed, and that a pond is required  
can not be in any setbacks or easements.  
Discussion occurred regarding water connections and impact fees.  
Alternate Schaller stated a fire hydrant would need to be within 400 feet of the building.  
Chair Wallace stated the alley on the property can not be used for day to day business.  
Alternate Knight provided information on combining the lots.  
ASTUTE CHILDREN’S ACADEMY - 3026 Howland Blvd - Pre-application  
Applicant Chris Casey gave an overview of the project, and that he understands a  
Conditional Use would be required for the project.  
Chair Wallace stated the project has Volusia County utilities, and that Howland Boulevard is  
a Volusia County Roadway so he would need to contact them regarding access.  
Discussion occurred regarding road access to the property and traffic.  
The applicant spoke regarding wanting a Variance for the landscape buffer to be reduced  
for the project.  
Discussion occurred regarding the property's natural landscape and trees.  
Chair Wallace spoke regarding the potential for a septic and well system being currently  
located on the property. She stated that the property is in a scrub jay habitat, and an  
environmental assessment would be required. Additionally, she stated a tree survey would  
be required.  
Alternate Schaller spoke regarding the fire department access. He stated the property will  
need a minimum driveway width of 16 feet, a drive through drop off width of 24 feet, and  
potentially a turn around if the aisles of the parking lot are 150 feet.  
Discussion occurred regarding potential parking setups.  
Alternate Schaller spoke regarding fire hydrant requirements, and the need for the building  
to be sprinkled.  
The applicant stated he will work to incorporate these comments into the plans for the  
The meeting adjourned at 10:07 A.M.  
Phyllis Wallace, Committee Chair  
Brandon Hatch, Committee Secretary.