City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
Regular Commission Meeting  
City Commission  
Mayor Avila  
Vice Mayor JodyLee  
Commissioner Avila-Vazquez  
Commissioner Colwell  
Commissioner Heriot  
Commissioner McCool  
Commissioner Shimkus  
Monday, July 15, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Deltona Commission Chambers  
DECORUM POLICY: The City of Deltona has a significant interest in conducting  
orderly and efficient public meetings, which includes preventing disruption,  
promoting civility, and preserving decorum. To that end, behavior which disrupts or  
impedes the efficient and orderly conduct of any public meeting, as determined by  
the Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, is not  
permitted. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may  
interrupt, warn, or terminate a speaker’s statement when that statement is too  
lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, irrelevant, or otherwise reasonably  
perceived to be a disruption to the fair and orderly progress of the discussion at  
hand. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may also  
interrupt any part of the meeting to warn any individual that they are being  
disruptive or otherwise impeding the efficient and orderly conduct of the meeting.  
The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may require  
any individual to leave a public meeting for its duration if that individual is unable to  
observe this Policy after being warned. Should an individual be required to leave a  
meeting for violating this Policy, that person shall be escorted from Commission  
Chambers by a Volusia Sheriff’s Deputy.  
At the Regular City Commission Meeting on Monday, October 17,  
2011, the City Commission approved to have each Commissioner by  
District schedule someone to present the invocation at each Regular  
City Commission meeting rotating each Commissioner by District  
starting with District #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and the Mayor.  
Presentation by Halifax Health on three of their programs: Hospice,  
Children’s BeginAgain and Traumatic Loss.  
The City undergoes a financial audit each year and issues an Annual  
Comprehensive Financial Report that includes the City’s financial  
statements. The independent audit firm of Purvis Gray, Certified Public  
Accountants will present the City’s audited Annual Comprehensive  
Financial Report for the year ended September 30, 2023.  
VEMA (Veterans Enforcers Motorcycle Association) partnered with the  
City of Deltona for the 1st Annual Memorial Day Bike Ride Event  
honoring Veterans and First Responders. The money raised was  
shared by VEMA with the Deltona Firefighters Foundation.  
6. PUBLIC FORUM: Public comments during Public Forum are limited to items of  
City business that are listed on the Agenda and/or items that are not listed on the  
Agenda. Comments regarding listed Agenda items will take place after discussion of  
each item. Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. In order to  
address the Commission, citizens must fill out a public participation slip and give it  
to the Deputy City Clerk. All citizen comments are limited to 4 minutes and shall be  
addressed to the Mayor or the Commission as a whole. Members of the City  
Commission shall not enter into discussion or respond to a citizen’s comments  
other than to give directions or to ask for clarification. However, individual  
Commissioners may choose to respond under the "City Commissioner Comments"  
portion of the meeting.  
The City Manager is proposing a millage rate of 7.0000 mills, which is  
reduced from the rate levied in FY2023/2024 and reflects an increase  
of 3.35% from the rolled-back rate of 6.7730 mills. Staff proposes the  
Commission adopt a proposed millage rate of 7.0000 mills for  
FY2024/2025. Attached is Resolution No. 2024-35 establishing a  
proposed millage rate. The adopted rate will be communicated to the  
Property Appraiser and used in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes  
(TRIM Notices) issued to Deltona property owners in late August. If the  
commission votes to approve a higher millage rate at the first hearing in  
September, the City is required to send a revised TRIM notice to the  
property appraiser and to the residents at the City’s expense (s.  
200.065(2)(d), F.S.).  
The Stormwater Utility System is based on operation and capital needs  
and is funded by fees levied to the property owners in the City of  
Deltona. The current rate of $128 was adopted six years ago and will  
not support the Stormwater Utility System for capital projects. The  
impacts of Hurricane Ian and Nicole resulted in approximately 250  
homes being flooded, roadways closed and an overwhelming  
unprecedented impact on the stormwater infrastructure. The City has  
identified a number of projects to begin the process of upgrading and  
improving the stormwater infrastructure that in some areas is nearly 60  
years old. One major project is the Theresa Basin Study, which will  
result in identifying areas of greatest need and projects that can  
improve and enhance the flow of stormwater through the City of  
Deltona. Staff is pursuing every avenue of funding including grants,  
appropriations and similar to help off-set what is anticipated as a $50M  
need for stormwater capital projects and upgrades and improvements.  
Section 54-158 of the Code of Ordinances requires that the City  
Commission adopt an Annual Rate Resolution during its budget  
adoption process for each fiscal year. On June 3rd, 2024, the  
Commission voted to approve the preliminary annual rate of $170 per  
equivalent residential unit (ERU). The attached Resolution 2024-30 will  
establish an annual rate of $170 per ERU for FY2024/2025 for  
stormwater utility assessments.  
The Solid Waste (Trash) Collection System is based on operational  
and capital needs and is funded by fees levied to the property owners  
in the City. Section 54-56 of the Code of Ordinances requires that the  
City Commission adopt an Annual Rate Resolution during its budget  
adoption process for each fiscal year. On June 3rd, 2024, the  
Commission voted to approve the preliminary annual rate of $235.42  
per residential unit. The attached Resolution 2024-31 will establish an  
annual rate of $235.42 per residential unit for FY2024/2025 for Solid  
Waste (Trash) Collection Assessments.  
The residential solid waste collection rates for FY 2024/2025 have  
been calculated based on the following criteria:  
The Volusia County landfill cost increased as of October 1, 2023.  
The current rate for regular household garbage changed from  
$34.00 per ton to $37.00 per ton, household yard waste and bulk  
items went from $23.00 per ton to $30.00 per ton.  
The Consumer Price Index is adjusted annually based on the  
Sewer, Water, Trash index of the percentage change from April of  
the previous year to April of the current year.  
The fuel adjustment component is adjusted annually based on the  
change in the average monthly pricing of diesel fuel for the last 12  
months and the current pricing.  
The result of those calculations has a 17.78% decrease in fuel  
component, 11% increase in disposal cost component and a  
5.31% increase in the collection consumer price index component.  
The annual solid waste assessment rate for FY 2024/2025 is proposed  
at $235.42 per Residential Unit, which is increased by $32.62 or  
16.09% from the current fiscal year rate. This is the first rate increase  
the City has implemented in six years, which calculates to a 2.40%  
increase annually.  
The Streetlighting Services System is based on operational and capital  
needs and is funded by fees levied to the property owners in the City.  
Section 54-253 of the Code of Ordinances requires that the City  
Commission adopt an Annual Rate Resolution during its budget  
adoption process for each fiscal year. On June 3rd, 2024, the  
Commission voted to approve the preliminary rate. The attached  
Resolution 2024-32 will establish an annual rate for streetlighting  
The Lake McGarity Special Assessment District was established to  
provide aquatic weed control services for the Lake. The cost of those  
services is apportioned to properties that will benefit from those  
services and will be levied to the property owners.  
Section 54-16 of the Code of Ordinances requires that the City  
Commission adopt an Annual Rate Resolution during its budget  
adoption. Attached is the Annual Rate Resolution for Aquatic Weed  
Control Services assessments for the Lake McGarity Special  
Assessment District for FY 2024/2025. The attached Resolution  
2024-33 will establish an annual rate of $60.00 per assessed parcel.  
The Nuisance Abatement Assessment was established in 2018 for the  
collection of unpaid costs and expenses incurred by the City for  
nuisance and lot clean-up. This is an effort for the City to recoup the  
costs associated with the abatement of the property for clean-up that is  
a nuisance and a threat to public health, safety, and welfare.  
Section 54 of the Code of Ordinances requires that the City  
Commission adopt an Annual Rate Resolution during its budget  
adoption process for each fiscal year. Attached is the Annual Rate  
Resolution for Nuisance Abatement Services for FY 2024/2025. The  
total outstanding and unpaid assessments for the provision of Nuisance  
Abatement Services for FY 2024/2025 is $43,698.01.  
The applicant, Charles Castro, entered into a lease agreement for  
Suite 108 in the plaza located at 1382 Howland Boulevard. This  
location in whole, is zoned C-1, Retail Commercial, and does not allow  
tattoo establishments. The current Land Development Code affords  
tattoo establishments in C-2, General Commercial zoning with a  
Conditional Use Approval and in C-3, Heavy Commercial zoning with  
no additional approvals required.  
The applicant is requesting to vacate portions of the rights-of-way  
(ROW) within the Deltona Village, as they are part of an antiquated plat  
from 1925. The City received the required no-objection letters from all  
utilities within the area. The vacation of ROW does not change the  
zoning but will allow the owner to develop the land, as it is currently too  
constrained. Please refer to the Staff Report for more information.  
10. COMMENTS ON CONSENT ITEMS: Citizen comments are limited to issues and  
concerns on the Consent Agenda item(s). Please complete a public participation slip  
and indicate in the subject line the issue you wish to address. Members of the City  
Commission shall not enter into discussion or respond to individuals' comments  
during the public forum other than to give directions or to ask for clarification.  
Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. Personal attacks on  
Commission members, City staff or members of the public are not allowed, and will  
be ruled out of order by the Mayor.  
11. CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda contains items that have been  
determined to be routine and non-controversial. If discussion is desired by any  
member of the City Commission, that item must be removed from the Consent  
Agenda and considered separately. All other matters included under the Consent  
Agenda will be approved by one motion. Citizens with concerns should address  
those concerns by filling out a public participation slip and giving it to the Deputy  
City Clerk prior to Consent Agenda items being pulled.  
The restrooms at Timber Ridge Park are 25 years old, not in  
compliance with ADA accessibility and have reached the end of their  
useful service life. This capital project, approved in the budget, provides  
for an ADA accessible restroom. In addition, this project will also  
upgrade the security cameras. Once the restroom is delivered, the  
Contractors will install the electrical, plumbing and security cameras.  
The entire cost of this project, including the camera upgrades will not  
exceed the budgeted amount of $225,000 dollars.  
Cataline Pointe RPUD was approved in January of 2023 for 277  
detached residential units that shall remain under ownership as a  
multi-family rental complex. If the Developer does not pay the total  
Proportionate Fair Share amount within one (1) year of the date of the  
execution of this Agreement by all parties hereto, then the outstanding  
balance of the Proportionate Fair Share shall be revised based on the  
applicable Consumer Price Index published inflationary rate. If the  
proportionate fair-share amount is not paid before December 31, 2025,  
then the TIA must be updated, and the proportionate fair-share amount  
recalculated. The City will receive approximately $277,596.00 in impact  
fees from the development. The City is required to approve and sign  
the agreement before the County can sign the agreement.  
On September 9th of 2023, the City of Deltona was notified by Odyssey  
Manufacturing of a price increase of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) from  
$1.25 to $1.65 per gallon. Sodium hypochlorite is used as a required  
disinfectant in the wastewater process.  
The City of Deltona is using a piggyback contract of Marion County  
which was renewed on September 30th, 2023, with the increased cost  
valid until September 30, 2024.  
Many factors such as distance from manufacture by rail and roadway as  
well as volume purchased influence this adjusted cost. Similar utility’s  
experienced prices of $1.69 and $1.75 per gallon.  
At the time of the notification, the 23/24 FY budget was in the final  
stages of approval. Sodium Hypochlorite usage has been monitored  
very closely to attempt to utilize the approved funds while still  
maintaining adequate disinfection per FDEP requirements. Those  
funds are exhausted, and the budget resolution provides the additional  
funds to continue to meet disinfection requirements through FY 23/24.  
At the Regular Commission Meeting held on July 1, 2024, the City  
Commission approved by consensus that the City Attorney will be paid  
for no more than 40 hours a week until the effective date of her  
resignation letter, September 30, 2024. There is currently an invoice  
due for work done for the month of June in the amount of $38,203.50.  
There are currently no funds remaining on the purchase order to pay  
this invoice. However, there is $153,700 remaining on the line item  
which can be used to increase the existing purchase order.  
At the Regular Commission Meeting held on July 1, 2024,  
Commissioner McCool requested that the Mayor and City Commission  
consider the removal of their offices at City Hall. Over the last few  
months several Commissioners have made this same suggestion. This  
item is so the City Commission can vote on the removal of all three  
offices at City Hall or to leave the offices as is.  
NOTE: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission  
with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need  
a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he/she may need to ensure that  
a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony  
and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286.0105).  
Individuals with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these  
proceedings should contact the City Manager in writing at or to Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence Blvd.,  
Deltona, FL 32725 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at which the person  
wishes to attend. The City is not permitted to provide the use of human physical  
assistance to physically handicapped persons in lieu of the construction or use of  
ramps or other mechanical devices in order to comply with Florida law. If proper  
accommodations for handicapped access cannot be made at a particular public  
meeting venue pursuant to a timely written request under Section 286.26 F.S., the  
City Manager shall change the venue of that meeting to a location where those  
accommodations can be provided.