City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
Planning and Zoning Board  
Wednesday, July 17, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Deltona Commission Chambers  
Vice Chair Cardo called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  
Also Present: City Attorney Segal-George, Jessica Entwistle and Nelly Kerr, Planning and  
Development Services; Attorney Mark Watts, and Chris Rowley.  
Present:6 -  
Vice Chair Andrea Cardo  
Secretary Rachel Amoroso  
Member Ron Gonzalez  
Member Dr. Allen Pfeffer  
Alternate Tara D'Errico  
Alternate Jeffrey Zlatos  
Excused:2 -  
Absent:2 -  
Chair Susan Berk  
Member Eric Alexander  
Member Manuel Rodriguez  
Alternate Steven Webster  
Minutes of June 20, 2024  
Motion by Alternate D'Errico, seconded by Secretary Amoroso, to  
approve the Minutes of June 20, 2024, as presented. The motion carried  
5. PUBLIC FORUM: Time permitted, public comments shall be limited to items on the  
agenda and shall not exceed four minutes. Please be courteous and respectful of the  
views of others. Personal attacks on Committee/Board members, City staff or  
members of the public are not allowed and will be ruled out of order by the Chair.  
Vice Chair Cardo opened and closed public forum as there was none.  
Ordinance No. 09-2024 - Amending the official zoning map to ±10.10  
acres of land located at 3141 Howland Boulevard from general  
commercial (C-2) and business planned unit development (BPUD) to  
City Attorney Segal-George swore members of the public wanting to speak on the subject  
due to this being a quasi-judicial hearing. Vice Chair Cardo asked the Board for any  
ex-parte communicating, and there was none.  
Ms. Entwistle gave a presentation regarding Ordinance No. 09-2024, amending the Official  
Zoning Map for a parcel of land approximately 10.10 acres, located at 3141 Howland  
Boulevard from General Commercial (C-2) and Business Planned Unit Development  
(BPUD). She spoke regarding the environmental report, traffic, and Comprehensive Plan.  
Discussion occurred regarding the environmental study and relocation of animals.  
Member Pfeffer asked if the retention pond is large enough. Ms. Entwistle explained the  
retention pond would be reviewed by engineering during the plat or Final Site Plan. She  
stated the plan provided is only conceptual.  
Attorney Mark Watts, Cobb Cole, explained the history of the project. He acknowledged  
staff for making it possible to for them to attend the meeting. He presented a new visual of  
the project.  
Discussion occurred regarding the uses provided in the Development Agreement.  
Chris Rowley, Zev Cohen and Associates, discussed stormwater and stated it would  
maintain on the property.  
Alternate D'Errico requested the hours of operations, or if there an intent of a 24-hour  
facility. Mr. Watts stated that due to the location, and being in a commercial area, there is  
more flexibility but do not know yet.  
Vice Chair Cardo asked for more clarification regarding the Traffic Study.  
Discussion occurred regarding tree mitigation and preservation.  
Motion by Alternate D'Errico, seconded by Member Gonzalez, to  
approve Ordinance No. 09-2024 - amending the Official Zoning Map to  
±10.10 acres of land located at 3141 Howland Boulevard from General  
Commercial (C-2) and Business Planned Unit Development (BPUD) to  
BPUD with the Condition recommended by staff. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
For: 6 -  
Vice Chair Cardo, Secretary Amoroso, Member Gonzalez,  
Member Pfeffer, Alternate D'Errico and Alternate Zlatos  
Member Gonzalez stated he voted for the project because development for medical offices  
is supported and it will help the local residents without having the need to travel out of the  
Member Pfeffer stated he voted yes, because the City needs RV parking.  
Alternate D'Errico stated she voted yes, because it follows the Comprehensive Plan and it  
gives more opportunity for commercial in the City.  
Alternate Zlatos stated he voted yes because he likes the general appearance of the  
commercial property and it will give the opportunity for the RV parking.  
Secretary Amoroso stated she voted yes, because it follows the Comprehensive Plan and  
likes the fact that the applicant previously worked with Economic Development Manager.  
She stated she likes the appearance of the build structure.  
Vice Chair Cardo stated she voted yes because she agrees with reasons given by the  
Ms. Entwistle stated there will be a Comprehensive Plan workshop on August 26, 2024.  
She went into details of how it will be organized and informed the Board she will send  
information once more information is available.  
Discussion occurred regarding August meeting.  
Meeting adjoured at 6:36 pm.  
Vice Chair, Andrea Cardo  
Board Secretary, Nelly Kerr