Deltona 2025 Final Comprehensive Plan Workshop between the Elected
Officials, the Planning & Zoning Board and the public.
Nicholas Hill, Senior Planner from JBPro, gave a presentation to include Visioning 101,
Deltona Vision 2050, Next Steps, and Vision Implementation Activity.
After his presentation, Mr. Hill asked that the residents and staff present divide themselves
amongst the tables to start the Vision Implementation Activity. Residents and staff took part
in five rounds of visioning throughout the workshop which contained activities to: Create a
City Center, Support Mixed Use Development, Cultivate Employment and Industry Centers,
Support Commercial Redevelopment, Cultivate a Sidewalk and Trail Network, Implement
Stormwater/Drainage Improvements, and brainstorm other strategies.
Mr. Hill asked Mayor Avila to closeout the workshop.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
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