City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
Planning and Zoning Board  
Wednesday, May 15, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Deltona Commission Chambers  
Chair Alexander called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  
Present:8 -  
Chair Eric Alexander  
Vice Chair Susan Berk  
Secretary Rachel Amoroso  
Member Andrea Cardo  
Member Ron Gonzalez  
Member Dr. Allen Pfeffer  
Member Manuel Rodriguez  
Alternate Tara D'Errico  
Excused:1 - Alternate Jeffrey Zlatos  
Absent:1 - Alternate Steven Webster  
Election of Officers  
Chair Alexander passed the gavel over to Secretary Amoroso for election of officers.  
Secretary Amoroso asked if there were any nominations for Chair.  
Motion by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Member Gonzalez, to  
nominate Member Alexander for Chair. The motion carried the following  
For: 4 -  
Chair Alexander, Secretary Amoroso, Member Gonzalez and  
Member Rodriguez  
Against: 3 - Vice Chair Berk, Member Cardo and Member Pfeffer  
Motion by Member Cardo, seconded by Member Pfeffer, to nominate  
Member Berk for Chair. The motion carried the following vote:  
For: 4 -  
Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso, Member Cardo and  
Member Pfeffer  
Against: 3 - Chair Alexander, Member Gonzalez and Member Rodriguez  
City Attorney Segal-George explained one of the Board members were voting for both  
members being nominated for Chair, so the member would need to choose to vote for one  
or the other to settle the tie.  
Secretary Amoroso asked if she should change her vote to only count for Member Berk as  
Vice Chair Berk was voted as Chair of the Planning and Zoning Board with a 4 to 3 vote.  
Secretary Amoroso passed the gavel to Chair Berk.  
Chair Berk asked for nominations for Vice Chair.  
Motion by Secretary Amoroso to appoint Member Cardo as Vice Chair.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
For: 7 -  
Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso,  
Member Cardo, Member Gonzalez, Member Pfeffer and  
Member Rodriguez  
Chair Berk asked for nominations for Board Secretary.  
Motion by Vice Chair Cardo, seconded by Member Alexander, to  
nominate Secretary Amoroso as Board Secretary. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
For: 7 -  
Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso,  
Member Cardo, Member Gonzalez, Member Pfeffer and  
Member Rodriguez  
Minutes of April 17, 2024  
Motion by Secretary Amoroso, seconded by Member Pfeffer, to  
approve the Minutes of April 17, 2024, as presented. The motion carried  
5. PUBLIC FORUM: Time permitted, public comments shall be limited to items on the  
agenda and shall not exceed two minutes. Please be courteous and respectful of the  
views of others. Personal attacks on Committee/Board members, City staff or  
members of the public are not allowed and will be ruled out of order by the Chair.  
Deltona resident Tim Bodget spoke about stormwater problems in Deltona, the history  
around the stormwater, and the Lake Theresa study.  
Resolution No. 2024-25 - Granting a Conditional Use to permit an  
Automobile Service Station Type A within the Retail Commercial  
District (C-1) for the property located at 625 Howland Boulevard.  
Jonathan Knight, Planner I introduced the project. He explained the current zoning is C-1,  
Retail Future Land Use of the property. Mr.Knight spoke regarding the matters of  
consideration for the Conditional Use request. He explained the City is in need of an oil  
change facility, as it will allow residents to service their vehicles locally.  
Mr. Knight stated staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Board recommend the City  
Commission approve Resolution No. 2024-25, for the Conditional Use. He then opened the  
floor for questions.  
Member Pfeffer stated he has concerns with the curb cut on Fort Smith Boulevard with the  
proximity to the intersection.  
Mr.Knight explained the road behind the property is an alleyway and the current curb cut  
could not be moved due to the setbacks of the property.  
Discussion occurred regarding pedestrian walking, and safety.  
City Attorney Segal-George informed the Board they will need to speak into the mic due to  
the public being unable to hear them.  
Ms. Wallace spoke regarding the access not being able to be moved.  
Discussion occurred regarding the request to lower the required vehicle stacking.  
The applicant, Evan Fudge, gave an overview of the project. He stated he has worked with  
staff to ensure the project will work well with the area. He stated the stacking analysis for the  
number calculations is more than adequate to handle the use.  
Vice Chair Cardo asked about requirements of driveway distances, and explained her  
concern of traffic turning into the property.  
Discussion occurred regarding the pond and the Conditional Use application.  
Mr. Fudge and Chair Berk discussed stacking at different locations they currently have.  
Chair Berk opened Public Forum.  
Mr. Ricardo Rioz explained he worked with the sheriffs department and he has concerns of  
the use and where it is located.  
Mr. Rioz stated he believes it should be placed in an area that is not as busy.  
Member Alexander asked Mr. Rioz for suggestions on what should go on that location due  
to the current zoning of Commercial. Mr. Rioz states that his priority is to keep people safe.  
Chair Berk closed Public Forum.  
Member Alexander stated that he trusts the staff recommendation and knows the project  
was approved by the county and FDOT.  
Vice Chair Cardo explained, she wanted to table the application because the applicant  
needs to comply with the Land Development Code (LDC). By tabling it, the applicant can  
reconfigure the concept plan to follow the LDC. She stated she would like to see  
Commercial in Deltona.  
Motion by Andrea Cardo, seconded by Dr. Allen Pfeffer, to table  
Resolution No. 2024-25 for the next meeting to allow the applicant to  
have their engineering reconfigure the project. The motion carried the  
following vote:  
For: 3 - Member Cardo, Member Pfeffer and Member Rodriguez  
Against: 4 -  
Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso and  
Member Gonzalez  
Motion by Member Alexander, seconded by Member Gonzalez, to  
recommend the City Commission approve Resolution No. 2024-25,  
granting a Conditional Use to permit an Automobile Service Station  
Type A within the Retail Commercial District (C-1) for the property  
located at 625 Howland Boulevard. The motion carried by the following  
For: 6 -  
Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso,  
Member Cardo, Member Gonzalez and Member Pfeffer  
Against: 1 - Member Rodriguez  
Resolution No. 2024-19 - Granting a Variance to allow a six(6) foot  
wooden fence in the side street yard located on the property at 402 Bali  
Terrace, within the R1, Single-Family Residential Zoning Classification.  
Jessica Entwistle, Planner II, introduced the proposal of the Variance request. She spoke  
regarding the new Fence Ordinance and the matters of consideration that were reviewed  
within the application. Ms. Entwistle provided the Fence Permit that was approved in 2023  
and pictures within the presentation. She recommended the Planning and Zoning Board  
recommend the City Commission deny the Variance for the six-foot at 402 Bali Terrace.  
Ms. Entwistle and the Board discussed the current Fence Ordinance. Ms. Entwistle  
informed the Board that the recent change in December now allows a five (5) foot fence at  
the property line, and previously it would have had to be at the setback at 15 to 25 feet for  
corner lots.  
Applicant Brandon Monsanto spoke regarding the history of the fence and stated he was  
unaware of the fence needing a permit. He explained he would like to keep it at the current  
height and location.  
Member Alexander asked if the fence was more of a replacement or completely new.  
Vice Chair Cardo asked if he was issued permit BLDR23-2248 with the survey that was  
marked. Mr. Monsanto stated that the survey of his lot was not a part of the permit.  
Ms.Entwistle informed Mr. Monsanto that the survey is one of the requirements to apply for a  
fence permit and staff stamps the survey when it is approved. She explained staff then  
scans the permit and the applicant receives the survey back.  
Discussion occurred regarding the fence permit, height, and location.  
Member Gonzalez asked if the fence could be grandfathered in because it was a  
City Attorney Segal-George stated the current rules would need to be followed.  
Ms. Entwistle stated that the footprint changed, which means the fence requires a new  
permit. The applicant also applied for the fence permit before the new Ordinance.  
Discussion occurred regarding setbacks.  
Motion by Secretary Amoroso, seconded by Member Pfeffer, to  
recommend the City Commission deny Resolution No. 2024-19 -  
granting a Variance to allow a six(6) foot wooden fence in the side  
street yard located on the property at 402 Bali Terrace, within the R1,  
Single-Family Residential Zoning Classification. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
For: 7 -  
Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk, Secretary Amoroso,  
Member Cardo, Member Gonzalez, Member Pfeffer and  
Member Rodriguez  
Ordinance No. 08-2024 - Amending the Official Zoning Map to rezone  
two (2) parcels totaling 43.55 acres of land located south of Fernanda  
Drive and east of Pine Ridge High School currently zoned City of  
Deltona Agriculture classification (A) to Single-Family Classification  
City Attorney Segal-George swore in everyone wanting to speak on the item.  
Chair Berk asked if anyone on the Board had any ex-parte communication regarding the  
case. All members stated they did not have any ex-parte, and Chair Berk stated she visited  
the site.  
Ms. Entwistle presented the Fernanda Place Phase 3 rezone to the Board. She spoke  
regarding the Future Land Use compatibility, capacities, and wetlands. Ms. Entwistle  
explained both Volusia County and the City are requesting a Signal Warrant Analysis to be  
performed after Phase 3 is fully occupied.  
Discussion occurred about zoning classifications and density.  
Applicant Jesse Anderson presented the project, stating this is a rezone to R1 only, not to a  
Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD). He explained the amount of homes has  
lowered from the previous proposal as this is no longer a RPUD application.  
Secretary Amoroso asked how the project would benefit the City.  
Mr. Anderson discussed he is working to provide larger lots to the residents of Deltona.  
Applicant Tina Lee spoke regarding the community amenities and the changes within the  
HOA Board. She explained the HOA now has two (2) residents on the Board, and the  
residents expressed they did not want any additional amenities, at this time.  
Mr. Anderson explained that the plan provided is only a concept plan not the final plan. The  
applicant is looking for a rezone for the R1 zoning, so this is not a Master Development  
Plan. He stated that there is only one way in and out of the new phase which meets current  
code requirements.  
Chair Berk opened the public forum.  
Curtis Hoover, 810 Osteen Cemetery Road, expressed concerns regarding the project  
affecting surrounding roads negatively. He asked if they could put fewer homes and if there  
was enough infrastructure.  
Ms. Lee explained Osteen Cemetery Road is only used for emergency access as there is a  
stabilized access with a crash gate installed. There is no vehicular access through this  
without using the crash gate.  
Hillary Driggers, 815 Osteen Cemetery Road, explained she would like a wall built between  
the new phase and Osteen Cemetery Road. She would like to prevent people from driving  
on the emergency access and dumping on her property.  
David Driggers, 815 Osteen Cemetery Road, expressed concerns about the wetlands  
being altered.  
Chair Berk closed the public forum.  
Mr. Anderson stated the northeaster portion behind Osteen Cemetery Road would not be  
developed. He stated a wall could not be built due to the emergency fire access. Mr.  
Anderson explained there is a stub out to the south for future access to future development.  
Ms. Entwistle stated the applicant is not touching or building in the wetlands and that the  
applicant is following the required 25-foot upland buffer.  
Motion by Dr. Allen Pfeffer, seconded by Andrea Cardo, to recommend  
the City Commission deny Ordinance No. 08-2024 - amending the  
Official Zoning Map to rezone two (2) parcels totaling 43.55 acres of land  
located south of Fernanda Drive and east of Pine Ridge High School  
currently zoned City of Deltona Agriculture classification (A) to  
Single-Family Classification (R1). The motion carried by the following  
For: 4 -  
Secretary Amoroso, Member Cardo, Member Pfeffer and  
Member Rodriguez  
Against: 3 - Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Berk and Member Gonzalez  
Member Pfeffer stated he was voting against the rezone because the area is overburdened  
Member Gonzalez stated he is against the motion.  
Member Rodriguez stated he is against the rezone because he believes it will not serve the  
area well and has concerns regarding the HOA and amenities.  
Secretary Amoroso stated she is voting against the motion because she does not see any  
benefits to the City from this.  
Vice Chair Cardo stated she is voting against the rezone because she does not think the  
classification for the rezone is the right choice and that the area and roadway are already  
Chair Berk stated she was voting for the rezone because it is consistent with the  
Comprehensive Plan.  
Ms. Entwistle stated the workshop with the City Commission for the Comprehensive Plan is  
being worked on and would notify the Board once a date is finalized. She reminded the  
Board that there will be a meeting in June.  
Chair Berk thanked everyone for coming. She requested a workshop to provide further  
information from staff of the procedures and process of the applications for development.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.  
Board Chair, Susan Berk  
Board Secretary, Nelly Kerr