22-191, of Article VI, “Street Vendors” of Chapter 22 “Businesses” of
the Land Development Code, at first reading.
The Planning and Development Director gave a brief overview of the item.
Commissioner Colwell arrived at 5:32 p.m.
The Commission and staff discussed outdoor dining, fixed seating, advantages of food
trucks, encouraging brick and mortar businesses, paying taxes, loitering, code
enforcement, business tax receipts, storing equipment, overnight parking, operating in
residential areas, and the fee schedule.
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 09-2024, amending the Official Zoning
Map to rezone + 10.10 acres of land located at 3141 Howland Boulevard
from General Commercial (C-2) and Business Planned Unit
Development (BPUD) to BPUD, at second and final reading.
The Planner Manager gave a brief overview of the item.
The Commission and staff discussed parking opportunities, turn lanes, working with the
County, and making changes to the plan.
Public Hearing - Resolution No. 2024-54, Declaring Zoning in Progress
regarding amendments to the Land Development Code Section 110-319
PUD, Planned Unit Development to establish criteria to achieve
exceptional quality community designs.
The Planning and Development Services Director gave a brief overview of the item.
The Commission and staff discussed the Live Local Act, affordable housing, lot allowances,
current developments, and focusing on residential development.
Vice Mayor JodyLee arrived at 5:46 p.m.
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 15-2024, amending Chapter 30-31,
Elections and adding Sec. 30-38, Filing Officer, at first reading.
The City Manager gave a brief overview of the item.
The Commission and staff discussed naming a designee.
Request for approval to appoint Fire Chief Snyder as the designated
government official and Deputy Fire Chief Swisher as the designated
alternate government official for the City of Deltona to the opioid
settlement government committee.