Special Magistrate found the Respondent in violation of the City Code as charged, that the
Respondent correct the violation no later than 4PM February 28, 2025, that in the event the
Respondent does not comply with the Order, a fine in the amount of $25 will be imposed for
each and every day the violation continues past the aforementioned date, that Respondent
is further ordered to contact the Code Compliance Officer to verify compliance with this
order. Property representative Ms. Maria Alejandra Rodriguez was present and did testify.
Property Address:
2679 Howland Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813053350030
Property Owner:
Maria Ester Gonzalez and Alfredo Ruben Ponce
2679 Howland Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, SEC. 18-3 ADOPT FL BLDG CODE - NO
PERMIT - Violation: City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-3, adopting
the latest edition of the Florida Building Code, Section 105.1, which
states that any owner, authorized agent, who intends to construct,
enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a
building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove,
convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system,
the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such
work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and
obtain the required permit.
Corrective Action:
You must obtain a permit for the Shed. Applications must be submitted
to the City of Deltona, 2345 Providence Boulevard, Deltona, FL 32725.
The structure must meet all requirements of city ordinance and be
approved on final inspection. Contact our office with the permit number
when obtained.
Officer Bashir Tourkzi
Special Magistrate found the Respondent in violation of the City Code as charged, that the
Respondent correct the violation no later than 4PM March 31, 2025, that in the event the
Respondent does not comply with the Order, a fine in the amount of $25 will be imposed for
each and every day the violation continues past the aforementioned date, that Respondent
is further ordered to contact the Code Compliance Officer to verify compliance with this
order. Property owner was not present to testify.