City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
Regular Commission Meeting  
City Commission  
Mayor Avila  
Vice Mayor JodyLee  
Commissioner Avila-Vazquez  
Commissioner Colwell  
Commissioner Heriot  
Commissioner McCool  
Commissioner Shimkus  
Monday, October 7, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Deltona Commission Chambers  
DECORUM POLICY: The City of Deltona has a significant interest in conducting  
orderly and efficient public meetings, which includes preventing disruption,  
promoting civility, and preserving decorum. To that end, behavior which disrupts or  
impedes the efficient and orderly conduct of any public meeting, as determined by  
the Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, is not  
permitted. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may  
interrupt, warn, or terminate a speaker’s statement when that statement is too  
lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, irrelevant, or otherwise reasonably  
perceived to be a disruption to the fair and orderly progress of the discussion at  
hand. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may also  
interrupt any part of the meeting to warn any individual that they are being  
disruptive or otherwise impeding the efficient and orderly conduct of the meeting.  
The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may require  
any individual to leave a public meeting for its duration if that individual is unable to  
observe this Policy after being warned. Should an individual be required to leave a  
meeting for violating this Policy, that person shall be escorted from Commission  
Chambers by a Volusia Sheriff’s Deputy.  
At the Regular City Commission Meeting on Monday, October 17,  
2011, the City Commission approved to have each Commissioner by  
District schedule someone to present the invocation at each Regular  
City Commission meeting rotating each Commissioner by District  
starting with District #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and the Mayor.  
At the February 19, 2024, Regular City Commission Meeting the  
Commission voted to honor Veterans in the community each month  
which was added as part of the Invocation for each member of the  
Medical Center of Deltona updates on new programs & initiatives,  
existing facility expansion and future expansions.  
5. PUBLIC FORUM: Public comments during Public Forum are limited to items of  
City business that are listed on the Agenda and/or items that are not listed on the  
Agenda. Comments regarding listed Agenda items will take place after discussion of  
each item. Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. In order to  
address the Commission, citizens must fill out a public participation slip and give it  
to the Deputy City Clerk. All citizen comments are limited to 4 minutes and shall be  
addressed to the Mayor or the Commission as a whole. Members of the City  
Commission shall not enter into discussion or respond to a citizen’s comments  
other than to give directions or to ask for clarification. However, individual  
Commissioners may choose to respond under the "City Commissioner Comments"  
portion of the meeting.  
The City has an adopted, citywide Land Development Code (LDC).  
The City LDC regulations change over time based on current trends,  
state preemptions, public input, and regulatory reviews, amongst other  
things. The City Commission adopted the latest revision to the Street  
Vendor Sections on May 2, 2022.  
The Commission has requested staff to update the Street Vendor  
section in the LDC, as some Sections needed to be updated to follow  
Florida Statutes and update the regulations.  
Highlights of proposed Ordinance No. 07-2024 are as follows:  
1. Adding Mobile Vendors.  
2. Updating language regarding Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles  
(MFDV) and Mobile Vendors to reflect current Florida Statutes.  
3. Fixing spelling errors and grammar issues.  
4. Providing a limit to the number of Mobile Food Dispensing  
Vehicles permitted to operate on an approved property.  
5. Extended the hours of operation for weekends.  
6. Prohibited on property with code violations.  
7. Removing tables, seating and canopies and permitting use of  
existing outdoor dining or other permanent seating authorized  
for existing business.  
8. Prohibiting alcohol to be sold or dispensed by a Mobile Food  
Dispensing Vehicle.  
9. Adding restrictions within the Section, which includes no  
overnight parking and equipment that may be used for vending.  
Ordinance No. 09-2024, requests to rezone the property at 3141  
Howland Boulevard from C-2 and BPUD to a BPUD. The current C-2  
zoning does not allow for the RV Storage Facility. The request is  
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, as the parcel is located off  
Howland Boulevard near other Commercial zoned properties and will  
provide employment opportunities for the community.  
The property will provide uses that are needed within the City of  
Deltona. The Business Park will have not only medical-type offices but  
also provide RV and Boat storage. The City currently does not have any  
RV or Boat parking facilities, with residents having to park these in their  
backyards or side yards.  
The uses being proposed will be beneficial for the residents of Deltona  
and provide jobs within the City. The requested BPUD request is  
neighborhood-oriented and represents a logical progression of land  
use intensity. As stated in the staff report, the developer will be required  
to perform a full environmental study during the Final Site Plan. A field  
review and single warrant analysis will be required for the intersection  
of Howland Boulevard and Roseapple Avenue to ensure no further  
improvements are required.  
Zoning in progress is a legal status that is created when a change to a  
local government’s zoning code is proposed. The purpose of zoning in  
progress is to prohibit development that will not conform to the  
proposed changes. Because this status does not require final  
legislative action by the governing body of the local government, it  
either expires upon the failure of the governing body to adopt the  
proposed legislation, or becomes law upon adoption of the changes.  
The local government announces its intention of changing the zoning  
code. At that time, the proposed changes are enforceable against new  
zoning applications not yet filed with the local government. All existing  
applications continue to be governed by the law in effect at the time the  
application was originally filed.  
In return for greater flexibility in site design requirements, PUD (Planned  
Unit Developments) shall deliver exceptional quality community design  
and staff proposes the following amendments to the Land Development  
1. Preserve critical environmental resources.  
2. Provide high quality community amenities.  
3. Incorporate creative design in the layout of buildings and  
4. Provide greater efficiency in the layout and provisions of roads,  
utilities, drainage and other infrastructure.  
5. Provide larger common open and recreational space.  
This Ordinance is to amend Chapter 30-31, Elections, of the City’s  
Code of Ordinances: Section 30-1, Early Voting; Section 30-31,  
Qualifying period; and Section 30-34, Filing of other items. Additionally,  
this ordinance is to add a new section: Section 30-38, Filing Officer.  
These changes will make the City consistent with Florida Statutes, the  
City Charter, House Bill 1515, and the City of Deltona Articles of  
At the Regular Commission Committee held on May 2, 2022, the City  
Commission appointed Sheriff Chitwood as the designated  
government official for the City to the opioid settlement government  
committee. However, at this time Sheriff Chitwood is not able to be on  
this committee for the next year.  
At the Opioid Abatement Advisory Board meeting on March 18, 2024,  
the advisory board approved an amendment to the interlocal  
agreement and on July 21, 2024, the board approved an amendment to  
the bylaws (attached). The amendments to the interlocal agreement and  
bylaws will allow appointments and/or reappointments of primary board  
members to begin on October 1st (instead of January) for a 2-year term  
and will allow for the appointment of an alternate voting member with  
the same term expiration date.  
The City is an entitlement community and receives funds from the  
Florida Housing Finance Corporation under the State Housing  
Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program. The City administers a SHIP  
approved program known as Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (OOR).  
The OOR program assist residents with home repairs.  
Staff has determined the households/properties below should be  
considered “very low” and “low” income, based on income and  
household size (number of people residing in the house). The income  
thresholds are predicated on area median income data derived from  
the Deltona, Daytona Beach, and Ormond Beach Municipal Statistical  
Area (MSA).  
The SHIP income approved properties, and allocated amounts are:  
1413 Randolph Street - $55,750.00,  
2975 Inca Court - $53,680.00,  
1650 Gainesville Drive - $28,327.00  
2556 Otis Avenue - $47,900.00  
520 Geneva Avenue - $47,500.00  
1032 Eastbrook Avenue - $47,100.00  
The properties referenced will utilize funds budgeted in FY 2023/2024  
SHIP funding. If additional funds are needed for any of the projects, then  
a budget amendment will be processed using FY 2024/2025 adopted  
Information related to each scope of work is attached. Each awardee  
(contractor) was the lowest bidder, for each of the above referenced  
properties. The State funds invested in these properties will be subject  
to a non-interest-bearing lien for 15-years. The lien will be forgiven  
should the present owners remain in their properties for the 15-year life  
of the lien.  
Renewal rate with Acentria- United Healthcare (Medical) for FY  
2024-25 will allow employee rates to remain the same with no change  
to benefits for the upcoming Fiscal year.  
9. COMMENTS ON CONSENT ITEMS: Citizen comments are limited to issues and  
concerns on the Consent Agenda item(s). Please complete a public participation slip  
and indicate in the subject line the issue you wish to address. Members of the City  
Commission shall not enter into discussion or respond to individuals' comments  
during the public forum other than to give directions or to ask for clarification.  
Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. Personal attacks on  
Commission members, City staff or members of the public are not allowed, and will  
be ruled out of order by the Mayor.  
10. CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda contains items that have been  
determined to be routine and non-controversial. If discussion is desired by any  
member of the City Commission, that item must be removed from the Consent  
Agenda and considered separately. All other matters included under the Consent  
Agenda will be approved by one motion. Citizens with concerns should address  
those concerns by filling out a public participation slip and giving it to the Deputy  
City Clerk prior to Consent Agenda items being pulled.  
July through September 2024 Quarterly Reports of City Advisory  
1. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee  
2. Firefighter Pension Board  
3. Planning and Zoning Board  
4. Team Volusia  
Historically, the Commission has chosen to have no workshops the  
month of November and December and to combine the two (2) regular  
meetings in December into one (1) meeting approximately in the  
middle of the month of December.  
In accordance with the City’s Procurement Policy, the Commission  
must approve any purchase over $25,000 regardless of if it has already  
been approved in the budget. The attached list represents purchases  
that will need to be made in the upcoming fiscal year contingent on the  
approval of the final budget. Additional purchases over $25,000 will be  
brought to the Commission as needed.  
The City is required to obtain an annual audit of its financial statements.  
Purvis Gray and Company, LLC, is offering an engagement with the  
City to perform the annual audit through fiscal year 2023-2024 with the  
option to further extend the contract for subsequent years pending  
appropriation of funding for each additional fiscal year.  
Continuance of these professional services allows for efficiency  
provided by the firm’s knowledge of the City and ensures objectivity via  
rotation of assigned audit staff. The rates proposed in this extension  
are comparable to those charged for audit services to other entities,  
and the vendor has demonstrated experience performing equivalent  
services for Deltona and other governments.  
FY 2023-2024 Budget  
FY 2022-2023 Budget  
FY 2021-2022 Budget  
$80,000 Actuals $60,000 *  
$73,500 Actuals $73,500  
$67,500 Actuals $67,500  
*Interim work was not performed during the summer of FY 2023-2024  
therefore all the funds were not expended. The interim work is  
scheduled for November; the FY 2024-2025 adopted budget includes  
funds for this change in workload.  
Fernanda Subdivision Phase I & II have access to Howland Boulevard  
through unincorporated Volusia County. It had been the intent of the  
City and County to have that portion of Fernanda Drive transferred to  
the City of Deltona. The attached Agreement provides for that transfer  
of jurisdictional control from Volusia County to the City of Deltona.  
The City currently contracts with the Volusia County Sheriff’s for law  
enforcement services. The Sheriff shall provide 24-hour law  
enforcement services with staffing level of eighty-nine (89) personnel  
including 1 Captain, 3 Lieutenants, 11 Patrol Sergeants, 3 CIS  
Sergeants, 48 Patrol Deputy Sheriffs, 4 K9 Deputy Sheriffs, 16  
Detectives and three unsworn office/administrative workers. This is an  
increase of 4 Deputies from last year’s staffing level. The proposed  
agreement will continue these services for the period of 3 years subject  
to budget appropriations, the Sheriff may on an annual basis request  
increase in the total cost of the services by a figure that does not  
exceed the actual increase in cost of services and providing the option  
to renew for 3 additional 1-year periods.  
The purpose of this annual Agreement is for the City of Deltona and  
Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation to continue to  
support and implement a program of economic and business  
development as well as expansion within the City of Deltona and  
throughout Volusia County to enhance the economic well-being of the  
citizens of the City of Deltona and Volusia County.  
The city is currently seeking a new City Attorney. Marsha Segal-George  
has resigned effective September 30, 2024. This letter of engagement  
would permit Marsha Segal-George to continue as the City Attorney  
until the city has retained new legal counsel wherein Marsha  
Segal-George would assist the new legal counsel with transitioning all  
legal matters until December 31, 2024.  
City staff identified a need for fiber optic cables to be installed to  
connect Harris Saxon Community Center and Park, Dwight Hawkins  
Park, and a Deltona Water facility to the City’s fiber optic network for  
high-speed access. The community needs cameras and high-speed  
access, and monitoring in case of an emergency. The Housing  
department proposed funding from CDBG since the project qualifies  
due to public safety and potential flooding issues within the community.  
The project will be completely funded by the grant. This will eliminate an  
existing circuit, extend our fiber network, increase bandwidth to improve  
site resilience and performance for all three sites, and provide real-time  
monitoring. The IT Department went out to RFP, a total of (8) bids were  
received, and the lowest bidder was Unitec for a total bid of $249,360;  
we are requesting an amount not to exceed $300,000 for contingencies  
that may arise while completing the project. We are requesting the City  
Commission award the bid to Unitec for an amount not to exceed  
$300,000 and re-allocate funding from CDBG to this project that will be  
reimbursed by CDBG when the project is completed as per the terms  
of the grant.  
Per the City Recognition Policy adopted by the City Commission at the  
Regular Commission Meeting held on Monday, June 17, 2024, the  
following recognitions are being requested for the month of October:  
1. Proclamation - Hispanic Heritage Month  
2. Proclamation - Fire Prevention Week - October 6th - October  
3. Proclamation - 2 Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Deltona  
& Orlando)  
4. Proclamation - Breast Cancer Awareness Month  
5. Proclamation - Cybersecurity Awareness Month  
6. Proclamation - Florida City Government Week - October 21st -  
7. Proclamation - Red Ribbon Week - October 23rd - 31st  
8. Proclamation - Extra Mile Day - November 1st  
9. Proclamation - First Annual Veteran’s Fall Festival - November  
Per the City Commission Operating Guidelines & Meeting Rules and  
Procedures adopted by the City Commission “Any group or  
organization, other than staff, wishing to make a presentation to the City  
Commission must submit their request to the City Manager and obtain  
Commission approval to have the item placed on the next available City  
agenda.” Also, all documentation to be presented must be submitted to  
the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday, eleven (11) days prior to  
the regular meeting.  
The following presentations have been requested:  
1. Rotary Club of DeBary-Deltona-Orange City - Update by  
President Joe Hearn  
2. Terri Ellis - Domestic Violence Awareness Month  
NOTE: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission  
with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need  
a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he/she may need to ensure that  
a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony  
and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286.0105).  
Individuals with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these  
proceedings should contact the City Manager in writing at or to Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence Blvd.,  
Deltona, FL 32725 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at which the person  
wishes to attend. The City is not permitted to provide the use of human physical  
assistance to physically handicapped persons in lieu of the construction or use of  
ramps or other mechanical devices in order to comply with Florida law. If proper  
accommodations for handicapped access cannot be made at a particular public  
meeting venue pursuant to a timely written request under Section 286.26 F.S., the  
City Manager shall change the venue of that meeting to a location where those  
accommodations can be provided.