Patrick Murray and she then gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation to include a
Coordinated Approach, Chapter 70 - General Provisions, Chapter 74 - Administration, and
Next Steps.
The Commission, Ms. Crespo and City Attorney Good spoke about approval process,
Planning & Zoning Board approval, special exceptions, minor vs. major exceptions, appeal
process, intensity of uses, another workshop, zonings, and residential variances.
Amendment to Sections 110-300 to 110-320, of Article III, Establishment
of Classifications and Official Zoning Map”, of Chapter 110 “Zoning”.
Deputy Planning & Development Director gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation to include
Updates, Commercial Updates, New Categories, Industrial Uses, RE-1 and RE-5 Zoning
Districts, Communication Towers, and Takeaways.
The Commission, staff and City Attorney Good spoke about storage facility zoning, C-1
Zoning, Agricultural Uses RE-1 and RE-5, minimum acreage requirements, Code
Enforcement, density changes i.e. houses per acre, future vision, tax impacts, urban areas,
allowable uses, and farm animals.
The Mayor opened and closed the public comments as there were none.
The Mayor stated today at the Volusia County Roundtable of Elected Officials voted to start
a stormwater authority which would somewhat affect building. They would put things in place
to ask for minimum stormwater standards for development, flood plain regulations, and
management maintenance of stormwater infrastructure that serves multiple jurisdictions.
Management of flood mitigation resiliency and capital programs. This is what the County
has somewhat initiated and somebody from staff will serve on the sub-committee or
authority called the GPA. It is important to distribute information as it is received to the
Commission and the public.
The Commission discussed the local mitigation strategy working group, strengthening the
group, St. Johns River Water Management District, Army Core of Engineers, taking away
stormwater decisions from the Commission and not being beholden to the County.
Amendment to Section 110-319 of Article III, “Establishment of
Classifications and Official Zoning Map”, of Chapter 110 “Zoning”
The Planning & Development Director gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation to include
What is a Planned Unit Development?, Key Legal Aspects, Types of Planned Unit
Developments, Deltona Approved Planned Unit Developments, Why Amend Planned Unit
Development Regulations?, Key Benefits of Updated PUD Regulations, Non-Desirable
PUDs, Successful Commercial PUDs, Successful Industrial PUDs, Successful Mixed-Use
PUD, and Summary of the Modifications.
The Commission, staff and City Attorney Good spoke about horizontal mixed use, Live
Local, multi-family, use and requirements of open space, requiring lift stations and fuel
tanks, new development, PUD (Planned Unit Development), stronger evaluation tools,
villages, legislative language, Certificate of Occupancy (CO), generators, stormwater
systems, architectural guidelines, zoning in progress, smart buildings/homes, conduit and