City of Deltona  
2345 Providence Blvd.  
Deltona, FL 32725  
City Commission  
Mayor Avila  
Vice Mayor JodyLee  
Commissioner Avila-Vazquez  
Commissioner Colwell  
Commissioner Heriot  
Commissioner McCool  
Commissioner Shimkus  
Monday, October 21, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Deltona Commission Chambers  
The City has an adopted, citywide Land Development Code (LDC).  
The City LDC regulations change over time based on current trends,  
state preemptions, public input, and regulatory reviews, amongst other  
things. The City Commission adopted the latest revision to the Street  
Vendor Sections on May 2, 2022.  
The Commission has requested staff to update the Street Vendor  
section in the LDC, as some Sections needed to be updated to follow  
Florida Statutes and update the regulations.  
Highlights of proposed Ordinance No. 07-2024 are as follows:  
1. Adding Mobile Food Vendors.  
2. Updating language regarding Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles  
(MFDV) and Mobile Vendors to reflect current Florida Statutes.  
3. Fixing spelling errors and grammar issues.  
4. Providing a limit to the number of Mobile Food Dispensing  
Vehicles permitted to operate on an approved property.  
5. Extended the hours of operation for weekends.  
6. Prohibited on property with code violations.  
7. Removing tables, seating and canopies and permitting use of  
existing outdoor dining or other permanent seating authorized  
for existing business.  
8. Prohibiting alcohol to be sold or dispensed by a Mobile Food  
Dispensing Vehicle.  
9. Adding restrictions within the Section, which includes no  
overnight parking and equipment that may be used for vending.  
10. Providing distance requirement from brick and mortar restaurant  
during hours said restaurant is open for business.  
This Ordinance is to amend Chapter 30-31, Elections, of the City’s  
Code of Ordinances: Section 30-1, Early Voting; Section 30-31,  
Qualifying period; and Section 30-34, Filing of other items. Additionally,  
this ordinance is to add a new section: Section 30-38, Filing Officer.  
These changes will make the City consistent with Florida Statutes, the  
City Charter, House Bill 1515, and the City of Deltona Articles of  
The only change to the ordinance from first reading is that throughout  
where it mentions the “City Clerk” it now has “City Clerk or designee” as  
requested at the Regular Commission Meeting held on October 7th.  
The current Land Development Code (LDC) requires a Conditional Use  
application for a daycare to be located within the C-2, General  
Commercial Zoning District. Staff has preliminarily reviewed the  
concept plan for the Conditional Use, along with the DCF and owner  
The applicant is requesting an approximately 10,650 square foot  
daycare to cater to 152 children, with 12 staff members. The daycare  
will be for children 0 to 5 years of age during the weekdays from 7:00  
am until 5:00pm with optional extended hours, as needed. The  
applicant has followed the City’s LDC regarding parking, drop-off lane,  
solid waste, landscaping, etc. For more information, please refer to the  
Staff Report.  
The existing building at 1670 Providence Boulevard was built in 1988.  
All planning and permitting went through Volusia County, which were  
approved and finalized in April of 1988. The building encroached into  
the rear and side yard setbacks, by less than six (6) inches.  
The applicant is requesting a variance from the required rear yard  
setback of 15 feet, to allow for 14.6 feet along the west property line  
and a variance from the required side yard setback of 5 feet, to allow  
for 4.7 feet along the north property line. The Variance request following  
Section 110-1103, Variances, in the City’s Land Development Code.  
Please see the Staff Report for more information.  
The Fire Department has allocated $155,000 in this year’s budget for  
the purchase of three replacement vehicles for Fire Department  
administration. This budget will replace the fire inspectors’ vehicles and  
a Fire Department service vehicle that have exceeded the time frame  
specified in the City’s policy CW10-03.  
Staff has obtained quotes using the Florida Sheriffs Association Light  
Vehicle Contract FSA 24-Vel-32 (effective from October 1, 2024, to  
September 30, 2025) for two 2025 Ford Maverick Pickup 4x2s as well  
as one 2025 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD. However, due to  
ongoing supply chain challenges, we are unable to guarantee specific  
vehicle models or prices at the time of purchase.  
In the event the specified vehicles are unavailable, we will prioritize  
similar vehicles that meet our operational needs, considering delivery  
schedules and pricing fluctuations. The total budget remains $155,000  
and will cover vehicle purchases and necessary components such as  
special hazard lights, graphics, and accessories.  
The Fire Department seeks approval to purchase a new Logistics  
vehicle to support the newly added part-time logistics position, utilizing  
the approved budget funds.  
The new Logistics vehicle (2025 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD)  
will support the newly added part-time logistics position and has a  
budget of $62,000.  
The funds will cover vehicle purchases as well as necessary  
components such as special hazard lights, graphics, and accessories.  
This purchase will be made through the Florida Sheriffs Association  
Light Vehicle Contract FSA 24-Vel-32, effective from October 1, 2024,  
through September 30, 2025. Due to potential supply chain challenges,  
we are prepared to adjust our vehicle selection as necessary,  
prioritizing similar models that meet operational requirements and  
ensuring we remain within the approved budgets. Attached for  
reference is a quote for the vehicle and the referenced contract.  
The Fire Department seeks approval to purchase a high-water/brush  
attack vehicle from Acela, utilizing the approved budget of $325,000.  
This vehicle will enhance our department’s emergency response  
capabilities, particularly in situations involving flooding or high-water  
incidents as well as brush fires, ensuring the safety of both personnel  
and citizens.  
The vehicle will be procured using the Sourcewell contract  
032824-CER, which provides competitively sourced pricing for  
emergency vehicles and equipment.  
The $325,000 budget will cover the vehicle purchase as well as any  
necessary components, customization, and emergency equipment  
required to meet our operational needs.  
The Fire Department seeks approval to implement Lexipol's policies  
and wellness program. Lexipol offers a customizable library of fire  
department policies that meet state requirements and are regularly  
updated to reflect changes in laws and best practices. Their online  
training platform ensures our personnel stay informed and compliant,  
focusing on high-risk scenarios critical to our operations.  
The wellness program provides essential resources for our firefighters,  
addressing the mental and physical challenges they face. It includes  
educational materials on over 60 behavioral health topics, direct  
access to support services, and resources on cancer prevention and  
physical fitness.  
Lexipol's solutions will enhance our department's accountability and  
safety. The program is a sole source, with pricing under Sourcewell  
Contract 011822-LXP, expiring March 23, 2026. The quoted cost is  
$48,224.70 for implementation and a 12-month subscription. There is  
$51,000 budgeted for this project. Annual renewal will depend on future  
budget approvals.  
The Fire Department seeks approval to update the current station  
alerting system to ensure compliance with the new Volusia County  
Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, which will be implemented  
this year.  
This update is mandated to synchronize our station alerting system with  
the new CAD, enhancing efficiency, coordination during emergency  
responses, and improving communication, ultimately benefiting our  
community. The county is paying for the backbone of the system for  
each fire station at approximately $50,000 each and the city is  
responsible for the remainder.  
Motorola Solutions has been selected by the County as the vendor for  
this update, utilizing Sourcewell Contract Pricing 042021. The  
budgeted amount for this project is $250,000, with a quoted cost of  
The Fire Department requests approval to purchase a 2024 Frazer  
International ambulance to maintain our fleet’s readiness status. Our  
reserve units have exceeded their recommended life span, and with  
current build times ranging between 12-24 months, it is critical to begin  
this process immediately.  
We received Estimate #Q3980-0001 from Frazer for the ambulance,  
totaling $481,541. The pricing follows Buy-board Purchase Co-Op,  
contract #650-21. To secure our position in the build line, we have  
provided Frazer with a letter of intent, allowing us to receive the  
ambulance within 4-6 months once the order is placed, pending  
Commission approval.  
The total budget allocated for this purchase is $655,500. The remaining  
$173,959 will be utilized to purchase essential equipment required to  
make the ambulance ready for service. This includes, but is not limited  
to, a Stryker stretcher in the amount of $34,102.35 and a Zoll monitor  
for approximately $58,831.51 (see attached quotes). We have attached  
a previous quote for the Zoll monitor as an estimate, though we expect  
the final cost to be slightly higher. Our representative has been  
impacted by the recent hurricanes and has been unable to provide an  
updated quote at this time.  
Per the City Recognition Policy adopted by the City Commission at the  
Regular Commission Meeting held on Monday, June 17, 2024, the  
following recognitions are being requested for the month of October:  
1.Proclamation - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month  
City of Deltona Commission requested a transparency report of  
associated cost with Hurricane Milton.  
During the 2023 Legislative Session, the Florida Legislature adopted,  
and Governor DeSantis signed into law, Chapter 2023-17, known as  
the Live Local Act, amending Fla. Stat. 166.04151. The amendments to  
the Live Local Act (the Act) require the City to define terms and update  
regulations for multi-family development.  
The Live Local preempts local governments and the public from  
applying the City comprehensive plan and zoning code when a  
developer proposes to erect “affordable housing,” as defined in the Act.  
However, many terms in the Act are undefined and confusing.  
Further, the Act permits the City to apply its multi-family regulations to  
affordable housing developments, except for height, density and zoning.  
As more fully described in the Resolution, Staff proposed the following  
amendments to the Land Development Code:  
1. Define the terms used in the Act, including “designates”;  
“zoned”; “Mixed Use Residential”; and “Mixed Use Zoning” in the  
Land Development Code.  
2. Update Land Development Code Section 110-310 and 110-311  
adding development standards and requirements to ensure  
multi-family developments are compatible and consistent with  
specific future land use designations.  
In accordance with the City’s Procurement Policy, the Commission  
must approve any purchase over $25,000 regardless of if it has already  
been approved in the budget. The attached list represents purchases  
that will need to be approved, they were included in the FY 24/25 final  
budget. Additional purchases over $25,000 will be brought to the  
Commission as needed. Some of the contracts are invoiced at specific  
intervals throughout the year and must be paid in accordance with the  
Prompt Payment Act (see attached).  
On August 16, 2024, Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A) started the  
recruiting process for a City Attorney. The original closing date was  
September 6, 2024, and was extended to September 27, 2024. CB&A  
has received twelve (12) applications of which three (3) are firms.  
CB&A has narrowed down the selection to four (4) individuals and the  
three (3) firms for the City Attorney position. The City Commission was  
provided information on each of the four (4) individuals and three (3)  
firms on September 17, 2024. This item is for the City Commission to  
discuss and select the finalists to be individually interviewed.  
On October 28, 2024, a Special Commission Meeting will be held for  
the City Commission to discuss, rank and select a new City Attorney.  
NOTE: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any  
matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for  
such purpose he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which  
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286.0105).  
Individuals with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact  
the City Manager in writing at or to Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence  
Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at which the person wishes to attend.  
The City is not permitted to provide the use of human physical assistance to physically handicapped  
persons in lieu of the construction or use of ramps or other mechanical devices in order to comply with  
Florida law. If proper accommodations for handicapped access cannot be made at a particular public  
meeting venue pursuant to a timely written request under Section 286.26 F.S., the City Manager shall  
change the venue of that meeting to a location where those accommodations can be provided.  
DECORUM POLICY: The City of Deltona has a significant interest in conducting orderly and efficient  
public meetings, which includes preventing disruption, promoting civility, and preserving decorum. To  
that end, behavior which disrupts or impedes the efficient and orderly conduct of any public meeting, as  
determined by the Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, is not permitted.  
The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may interrupt, warn, or terminate  
a speaker’s statement when that statement is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene,  
irrelevant, or otherwise reasonably perceived to be a disruption to the fair and orderly progress of the  
discussion at hand. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority of the City Commission, may also  
interrupt any part of the meeting to warn any individual that they are being disruptive or otherwise  
impeding the efficient and orderly conduct of the meeting. The Mayor, or presiding officer, or a majority  
of the City Commission, may require any individual to leave a public meeting for its duration if that  
individual is unable to observe this Policy after being warned. Should an individual be required to leave a  
meeting for violating this Policy, that person shall be escorted from Commission Chambers by a  
Volusia Sheriff’s Deputy.  
PUBLIC FORUM: Public comments during Public Forum are limited to items of City business that are  
listed on the Agenda and/or items that are not listed on the Agenda. Comments regarding listed Agenda  
items will take place after discussion of each item. Please be courteous and respectful of the views of  
others. In order to address the Commission, citizens must fill out a public participation slip and give it to  
the Deputy City Clerk. All citizen comments are limited to 4 minutes and shall be addressed to the  
Mayor or the Commission as a whole. Members of the City Commission shall not enter into discussion  
or respond to a citizen’s comments other than to give directions or to ask for clarification. However,  
individual Commissioners may choose to respond under the "City Commissioner Comments" portion  
of the meeting.  
COMMENTS ON CONSENT ITEMS: Citizen comments are limited to issues and concerns on the  
Consent Agenda item(s). Please complete a public participation slip and indicate in the subject line the  
issue you wish to address. Members of the City Commission shall not enter into discussion or respond  
to individuals' comments during the public forum other than to give directions or to ask for clarification.  
Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. Personal attacks on Commission  
members, City staff or members of the public are not allowed and will be ruled out of order by the  
CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda contains items that have been determined to be routine  
and non-controversial. If discussion is desired by any member of the City Commission, that item must  
be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. All other matters included under the  
Consent Agenda will be approved by one motion. Citizens with concerns should address those  
concerns by filling out a public participation slip and giving it to the Deputy City Clerk prior to Consent  
Agenda items being pulled.