14.43 acres of land located at 2830, 2846, and 2855 Lake Helen Osteen
Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Mixed-Use Planned Unit
Development (MPUD).
Attorney Mark Watts, CobbCole, requested for the item to be tabled to the December
Planning and Zoning meeting. He stated the applicant would like to have a neighborhood
meeting to address residents concerns regarding flooding.
Chair Berk thanked the applicant and public for attending the meeting.
Resolution No. 2024-58- Granting a variance to allow for an approximate
4,462 square foot existing office building to encroach within the side
and rear setback located at 1670 Providence Boulevard, within the C-1,
Retail Commercial Zoning classification.
Brandon Hatch, Planner I, presented Resolution No. 2024-58 regarding a Variance request
for the setbacks for the building located at 1670 Providence Boulevard. He provided a
timeline and details the building permit, along with an image illustrating the encroachment
and setbacks.
Alternate D'Errico asked about possible new construction within the setbacks. Ms.
Entwistle and Mr. Hatch explained any new building permits would require that applicant to
adhere to the current code regulations.
Motion by Tara D'Errico, seconded by Andrea Cardo, to approve
Resolution No. 2024-58- granting a Variance to allow for an approximate
4,462 square foot existing office building to encroach within the side
and rear setback located at 1670 Providence Boulevard, within the C-1,
Retail Commercial Zoning classification. The motion carried by the
following vote:
For: 7 -
Chair Berk, Vice Chair Cardo, Secretary Amoroso, Member
Gonzalez, Member Pfeffer, Alternate D'Errico and Alternate
Ordinance No. 17-2024 - amending Section 110-806, "Fences, Walls, and
Hedges" of Article VIII, "Supplementary Regulations" of Chapter 110
"Zoning" of the Land Development Code of the City of Deltona.
Jessica Entwistle, Planning Manager, explained Section 110-806, regarding fences,
hedges, and walls is before them again as staff has found it too restrictive. She stated the
changes would include removing the 5 year survey requirement to follow other building
permits, removing the waterfront and golf course verbiage completely, and requiring
waterfront lots to have surveys be 2 years or less due to FEMA regulations.
Alternate Zlatos asked about the fence permitting process, and if residents we able to apply
online. Staff stated fence permits were allowed accepted in person and online.
Chair Berk opened public forum.