| | Code Violation | FIRE24-018 MASSEY
Property Address:
2320 N. Normandy Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 811805000020
Property Owner:
2320 N. Normandy SP LLC
201 Wilshire Blvd. STE 102
Santa Monica, CA 90401
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch., Ch. 18.2.3, Ch., Ch.
Corrective action:
Obtain a permit for the installation of the newly installed access control dev ices. Provide a Know Key Switch, that is accessible for the fire department usage for emergency access into the gated area and "YELP" emergency access gate function. Provide the approved address numbers on each building, per the approved site plan, and remove the non-approved numbers.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | FIRE24-025 MASSEY
Property Address:
1800 Elkcam Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813015150170
Property Owner:
Marilyn Medina
1042 Elgrove Drive
Deltona, FL 32725
City of Deltona Ordinance, : Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted.
Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch. - No construction work shall proceed until the AHJ has reviewed the plans for compliance with the applicable codes and standards and the applicable permits have been issued, Ch. - Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be affixed to structures; extend through walls, ceilings, or floors, or under doors or floor coverings; or be subject to environmental or physical damage.
Corrective action:
Obtain a building permit for the installation of the wall opening and construction of the small room/what appears to be storage closet inside of the shop. Obtain an electrical permit for the altered electrical work. Remove the extension cords that are extending through the walls and ceiling.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Sch | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE24-001 MASSEY
Property Address:
1712 Doyle Road, Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813023080010
Property Owner:
Circle K Stores Inc
PO BOX 52085 DC-17
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2085
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch.,Ch. 11.1.8, Ch.
Corrective action:
Repair the damaged electrical fixture located outside, provide an approved cover plate for the opening inside of the electrical panel. Obtain a permit for the installation of the new cooking appliances.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | FIRE24-014 MASSEY
Property Address:
2901 Howland Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813039130080
Property Owner:
Family Dollar Stores Inc
500 Volvo PKWY
Chesapeake, VA 23320
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch. 13.1.1.
Corrective action:
Obtain a permit for the installation of fire alarm cellular communicator device.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | FIRE24-016 MASSEY
Property Address:
1120 Elkcam Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813026010010
Property Owner:
The Deltona Club/Cahoon Deltona LLC
1120 Elkcam Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32725-2809
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch., Ch., Ch., Ch., NFPA 101 Ch.
Corrective action:
Obtain a permit for the construction of the wall inside of the pro shop, and all associated electrical work. Obtain a permit for the newly installed electrical conduit in the kitchen, and bring the electrical conduit into compliance with NEC 70, National Electric Code, remove all remaining fire sprinkler heads from the golf cart barn, remove all items obstructing the means of egress in the golf cart barn, and repair the non-functioning exit emergency light combination inside the golf cart barn.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE24-017 MASSEY
Property Address:
2820 Doyle Road, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 911104000010
Property Owner:
JDH Properties LLC
2845 Enterprise Road STE 107 A
Debary, FL 32713
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch., Ch. 1.15.1, Ch., Ch. 13.1.8, Ch. 10.18.1.
Corrective action:
Obtain a permit for the newley installed emergency lighting. Provide a technical analysis, prepared by a registered design professional, stating an analysis of the hasards present within the occupancy, and wheather or not changes to the amount of storage within, or to the building's fire protection systems are required, including an evaluation of the fire sprinkler system's capability for the storage throughout the occupancy, in accordance with NFPA 25 Ch. 4.1.6- Remove all stored furniture within 18 inches of the sprinkler head deflector, and replace the missing escutcheon plate on sprinkler head located in the southeast portion of store. Remove all fur | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-017 MASSEY (A & B)
Property Address:
2435 Academy Avenue, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813032150060
Property Owner:
Karen Blekicki
2435 Academy Avenue
Deltona, FL 32738
Violation: A
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 66-18 (e), which states that no vehicles may be parked or stored in the front yard forward of the edge of the principal dwelling except on the approved driveway or driveway extension.
Corrective action:
All vehicles parked in the front portion of the property must be on an approved driveway or driveway extension. Vehicles may also be parked on the side of the house behind the front face or in the rear yard. All vehicles must have a current tag and be operable, or they must be stored in an enclosed garage.d.
Violation: B
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 66-19(3), which states that boats/trailers/recreational vehicles shall not be parked or stored either within a public right-of-way, or within that portion of the lot lying across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and front most part of the principal structure.
Correcti | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-004 MASSEY (A & B)
Property Address:
1139 Humphrey Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813044020060
Property Owner:
Hugh H Harvey & Sonia A Harvey TR
1139 Humphrey Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32738
Violation: A
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-5, adopting the latest edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 304.2, which states that all exterior surfaces, including but not limited to, doors, door and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences, and shall be kept in sound working condition and maintained in good repair. Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment.
Corrective action:
Repair or replace damaged Garage Door.
Violation: B
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-5,adopting the latest edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 304.3,which states that all buildings will have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or roa | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-023 MASSEY
Property Address:
2857 Courtland Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813032840060
Property Owner:
Sway 2014 Borrower LLC
8665 E. Hartford Drive STE 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-5, adopting the latest edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 302.7, which states all accessory structures, including detached garages, fences and walls, shall be maintained and kept in good repair and sound structural condition.
Corrective action:
Repair or remove the structure/ obtain permit if needed
Officer Janice Polascik | |
Action details
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-039 MASSEY
Property Address:
1812 N. Akron Drive, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813016130090
Property Owner:
John Michael Granfield JR EST
1812 N. Akron Drive
Deltona, FL 32736-4862
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 38-110 (1), which states that nuisance weeds where the greater portion of the weeds on the lot exceeds 12 inches in height, are declared to be a nuisance and must be abated in their entirety.
Corrective action:
Mow the yard and maintain lawn so that grass and weeds do not exceed 12 inches in height.
Officer Nick Lopez | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE-24-0023
Property Address:
1680 DOyle Road, Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813023000040
Property Owner:
Forcam LLC
1680 Doyle Road
Deltona, FL 32725
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. - Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch., For other than vehicles equipped for and using compressed gas as a fuel for propelling the, vehicle, an operational permit shall be required for liquid carbon dioxide systems in excess of 100 lb (45.4 kg) of carbon dioxide.
Corrective Action:
Obtain an operational use permit for the liquid carbon dioxide system.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE-24-0028
Property Address:
2090 Saxon Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 802402000010
Property Owner:
HN Saxon
823 Georgia Ave STE 300
Chattanooga, TN 37402
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. - Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch. 13.1.1 - The AHJ shall have the authority to require that construction documents for all fire protection systems be submitted for review and approval and a permit be issued prior to the installation rehabilitation, or modification. (For additional information concerning construction documents, see Section 1.14.) Further, the AHJ shall have the authority to require that full acceptance tests of the systems be performed in the AHJ's presence prior to final system certification.
Corrective Action:
Obtain a permit for the installation of the fire alarm cellular communicator and pass all final inspections.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE-24-0030
Property Address:
305 Fort Smith Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813042250070
Property Owner:
Par-Man Inc
2840 Elkcam Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32725
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch. - No construction work shall proceed until the AHJ has reviewed the plans for compliance with the applicable codes and standards and the applicable permits have been issued,
Corrective Action:
Obtain a building permit for the installation of the front entry doors
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | FIRE-24-0031
Property Address:
840 Deltona Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813614000030
Property Owner:
Just In Deltona LP
PO BOX 280
Lawerence, NY 11559-0280
City of Deltona Ordinance, Chapter 42, Article IV, Fire Codes, Ch. 42-186. – Adopted Florida Fire Prevention Code 8th Edition, NFPA 1, Ch. - Required fire-resistive construction, including fire barriers, fire walls, exterior walls due to location on property, fire-resistive requirements based on type of construction, draft-stop partitions, and roof coverings, shall be maintained and shall be properly repaired, restored, or replaced where damaged, altered, breached, penetrated, removed, or improperly installed.
Corrective Action:
Provide the UL-listed design that was utilized for the repair of the penetration in the fire-rated wall between Suite C & D.
Captain / Assistant Fire Marshal Samuel Schaller | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-055 (A, B & C)
Property Address:
1743 W. Chapel Drive, Deltona, FL 32725
Parcel ID: 813065130060
Property Owner:
Bank of New York Mellon TR
CO:% Deluca Law Group PLLC
2101 NE 26th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305-1535
Violation: A
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-5 , adopting the latest edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 304.1, which states the exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare.
Corrective Action:
Repair, replace, or maintain in good repair any exterior surfaces (roof). Obtain permits if required.
Violation: B
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-5 , adopting the latest edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, Section 304.6, which states that all exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration.
Corrective Action:
Repair the exterior walls and paint wi | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-056
Property Address:
2534 Maximus Court, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 811403000040
Property Owner:
Homes Constructors LLC
2295 S. Hiawassee Road STE 213
Orlando, FL 32835
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-3 adopting the latest edition of the Florida Building Code, Section 105.1, which states that any owner, authorized agent, who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
Corrective Action:
You must obtain a permit. Applications must be submitted to the City of Deltona, 2345 Providence Boulevard, Deltona, FL 32725. The structure must meet all requirements of city ordinance and be approved on final inspection. Contact our office with the permit number when obtained.
Officer Ja | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-057
Property Address:
1832 Villa Drive, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813036150210
Property Owner:
Adam C. Kavern
1832 Villa Drive
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 66-57, which states that no person in charge or control of any property in the city, whether public or private property, whether as owner, tenant, occupant or otherwise shall allow any wrecked, discarded, junked, abandoned, inoperative, discarded and/or partially dismantled vehicle or parts of vehicles to remain in such property longer than five days, unless such vehicle is located in a fully enclosed (or capable of being fully enclosed) building such as a garage or shed. For purposes of this section, a carport does not constitute an enclosed building.
Corrective Action:
Remove, repair, have current tag on vehicle, or put inside fully enclosed structure.
Officer Janice Polascik
| |
Action details
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-058
Property Address:
1962 English Drive, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813074540210
Property Owner:
Joshua A Taylor & Jamie Taylor
1962 English Drive
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 14-7 (a)(1) No owner, keeper or agent of an animal shall fail to provide the animal with adequate food, water, shelter or veterinary care; or restrain the animal by any means other than those defined in this chapter.
Corrective Action:
Provide food, clean water at all times and proper shelter. Care must Comply with Deltona Ordinance Section 14-7. Shelter must be compliant with Deltona Ordinance Section 14-7(b,1).
Officer Steve Braukhoff | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-059
Property Address:
1962 English Drive, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813074540210
Property Owner:
Joshua A Taylor & Jamie Taylor
1962 English Drive
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 14-3 (c), which states it shall be unlawful to keep, maintain or raise in the city more than five dogs and/or cats on one parcel of land of one acre or less.
Corrective Action:
Must relocate the animals within 72 hours.
Officer Steve Braukhoff | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-060
Property Address:
1962 English Drive, Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813074540210
Property Owner:
Joshua A Taylor & Jamie Taylor
1962 English Drive
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-3, adopting the latest edition of the Florida Building Code, Section 105.1, which states that any owner, authorized agent, who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
Corrective Action:
You must obtain a permit for the Kennels compliant with Deltona Ordinance Section 14-7(b,1). Applications must be submitted to the City of Deltona, 2345 Providence Boulevard, Deltona, FL 32725. The structure must meet all requirements of city ordinance and be approved on final inspection. Cont | |
Action details
Not available
| | Code Violation | DEL-24-061
Property Address:
1510 Howland Blvd., Deltona, FL 32738
Parcel ID: 813043620250
Property Owner:
William Waldman
1510 Howland Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32738
City of Deltona Ordinance, Section 18-3, adopting the latest edition of the Florida Building Code, Section 105.1, which states that any owner, authorized agent, who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
Corrective Action:
You must obtain a permit for the shed addition. Applications must be submitted to the City of Deltona, 2345 Providence Boulevard, Deltona, FL 32725. The structure must meet all requirements of city ordinance and be approved on final inspection. Contact our office with the permit number when obtained.
Officer | |
Action details