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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/7/2024 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 2nd Floor Conference Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
531-2015 A.OrdinancePublic Hearing - Ordinance No. 07-2024, amending Section 22-186 to 22-191, of Article VI, “Street Vendors” of Chapter 22 “Businesses” of the Land Development Code, at first reading.  Action details Not available
532-2015 B.OrdinancePublic Hearing - Ordinance No. 09-2024, amending the Official Zoning Map to rezone + 10.10 acres of land located at 3141 Howland Boulevard from General Commercial (C-2) and Business Planned Unit Development (BPUD) to BPUD, at second and final reading.  Action details Not available
2015-5427 C.ResolutionPublic Hearing - Resolution No. 2024-54, Declaring Zoning in Progress regarding amendments to the Land Development Code Section 110-319 PUD, Planned Unit Development to establish criteria to achieve exceptional quality community designs.  Action details Not available
533-2015 D.OrdinancePublic Hearing - Ordinance No. 15-2024, amending Chapter 30-31, Elections and adding Sec. 30-38, Filing Officer, at first reading.  Action details Not available
15-9103 A.AppointmentRequest for approval to appoint Fire Chief Snyder as the designated government official and Deputy Fire Chief Swisher as the designated alternate government official for the City of Deltona to the opioid settlement government committee.  Action details Not available
15-9104 B.ContractRequest for approval to expend no more than $60,000.00, per household, in Florida Housing Finance Corporation State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds for the Owner-Occupied Repair projects, listed below.  Action details Not available
15-9105 C.ContractRenewal requests for Acentria-United Health Care Employee Benefits and Service Contract.  Action details Not available
15-9109 D.ContractRequest for approval of purchases for FY24-25 contingent on approval of final budget.  Action details Not available
15-9110 E.ContractRequest for approval of engagement with Purvis Gray, LLC to provide professional external audit services.  Action details Not available
15-9111 F.ContractRequest for approval for roadway transfer from Volusia County to the City of Deltona, specifically for that portion of Fernanda Drive from Howland Boulevard East to the Fernanda Subdivision Entrance at Landing Lane.  Action details Not available
15-9113 H.ContractRequest for approval of the Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation Cooperative Agreement for 2024-2025.  Action details Not available
15-9106 A.MinutesRequest for approval of minutes of the Regular Commission Meetings of September 4th & September 16th, 2024, as presented.  Action details Not available
15-9107 B.Presentation/Award/ReportRequest for approval of the Quarterly Reports of City Advisory Boards/Committees.  Action details Not available
15-9108 C.ReportRequest for approval of the 2025 holiday, meeting and invocation calendars.  Action details Not available
15-9112 G.ContractRequest for Approval of Interlocal Renewal Agreement with Volusia County Sheriff’s Office for provisions of Law Enforcement Services.  Action details Not available
15-9114 I.ContractRequest for Approval of Letter of Engagement with Marsha Segal-George, Esquire for general government law as the City Attorney until the new City Attorney is retained.  Action details Not available
2015-5429 J.ResolutionRequest for approval of bid award for fiber optic cable expansion from Howland Blvd and Austin Ave. to Dwight Hawkins Park, and accompanying Resolution No. 2024-59 which represents a budget amendment.  Action details Not available
15-9115 K.Presentation/Award/ReportRequest for recognitions for the month of October.  Action details Not available
15-9116 L.Presentation/Award/ReportRequests for presentations before the City Commission.  Action details Not available