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Type: Board or Committee
Meeting location: Deltona Commission Chambers

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Feb, 2025

City Ordinance Nos. 30-98 and 03-99 The Deltona Planning & Zoning Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The meetings are held in the City Commission Chambers at 2345 Providence Blvd. All interested residents and visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information regarding a particular agenda item or meeting, please contact the Planning Division at (386) 878-8600. MEMBERSHIP: The Board shall consist of seven members and up to five alternate members who shall reside within the City limits of the City of Deltona and be appointed by the City Commission. TERM OF OFFICE: Three years. No Board member shall serve on the Board for more than two consecutive three-year terms. OFFICERS: The Board shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among its members. The terms of all board officers shall be one (1) year, each having eligibility for re-election. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Designation as Local Planning Agency: The Board is designated as the local planning agency as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3161, et seq., and Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes. The Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, the elements of the Comprehensive Plan required in Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, and any other appropriate elements, and shall make recommendations regarding the Comprehensive Plan to the City Commission. The Board shall have the general responsibility for the conduct of the Comprehensive Planning Program. The Board and the Comprehensive Planning Program shall comply with all requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act and shall monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the Comprehensive Plan, and recommend to the City Commission such changes in the Comprehensive Plan as may from time to time be required. The Board shall perform any other duties assigned by the City Commission, and may prepare and recommend to the City Commission any other proposals to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Designation as Land Development Regulations Commission: The Board is hereby also designated as the land development regulations commission in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act, Section 163.161, et seq., and Section 163.3194, Florida Statutes. The Board shall develop and recommend to the City Commission land development regulations that implement the Comprehensive Plan and review land development regulations or amendments thereto for consistency with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Annual Work Program: The Board shall receive recommendations from the Department of Planning & Development Services regarding an annual work program. Following receipt of those recommendations, the Board shall prepare an annual work program for recommendation to the City Commission. The work program shall include an estimated budget for its implementation. The work program shall be in a format developed by the staff and approved by the City Manager. The City Manager and the City Commission shall determine the priorities given the individual items in the work program in the proposed annual budget and in the adopted budget, respectively. Five Year Capital Improvements Program and Annual Capital Improvements Budget: The Board shall review the City’s proposed Capital Improvements Plan and Budget, and make recommendations on capital budget priorities to the City Commission annually. This review shall require one public hearing with due public notice. This public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 163.3181(3), Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time to time. The proposed five-year Capital Improvements Plan is mandated by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and shall be developed annually for presentation to the Board by an interagency Capital Improvements Committee chaired by the Director of Development Services. The Capital Improvements Committee shall consist of the Director of Development Services; the Director of Finance and Internal Services; the Director of Public Works; Parks and Recreation Coordinator; the Fire Chief; and such other members as may be appointed by the City Manager. The City Manager shall determine the priorities and recommended funding levels given to the Planning and Zoning Board’s recommended Capital Improvements Budget for the capital improvements program and budget annually proposed to the City Commission. The City Commission shall determine the priorities and funding given to the recommendations of the Board and the City Manager for the adopted Capital Improvements Program and budget. Applications and Proposals Requiring Public Hearings: Prior to the transmittal of an application or proposal to the City Commission, the Board shall hold one public hearing with due public notice on the following applications and proposals, whether initiated by the City or by other applicants: Plan amendments, including future land use map amendments Zoning map changes Changes to the Deltona Zoning Ordinance or a proposed new zoning ordinance Changes to the Deltona Sign Ordinance or a proposed new sign ordinance Changes to the Land Development Code or a proposed new Land Development Code, including subdivision regulations Planned Unit Developments Conditional Uses Zoning Variances Amendments to the approved Capital Improvements Program or Budget The establishment of, or changes to established Community Development Districts Changes to or proposed architectural design standards Changes to or proposed landscaping ordinances, tree preservation ordinances, or environmental protection ordinances Proposed Development Agreements created pursuant to the “Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act” Proposed Developments of Regional Impact Development Review Final Site Plans for buildings over 30,000 square feet in area under heating and cooling or developments over 15 dwelling units per acre; and Proposed subdivisions containing more than 200 lots. The Board shall review all such applications for consistency with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, for consistency with the purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, and for the ability of the application to meet the standards for approval of the application that are contained in the relevant laws and ordinances governing the application’s approval. The Board shall also consider: Noise, vibrations, odor, glare, shadows, or visual impacts on the neighborhood and adjoining properties Any impacts on environmentally sensitive lands or natural resources, including but not limited to water bodies, wetlands, xeric communities, wildlife habitats, endangered or threatened plants or animal species or species of special concern, wellfields, and individual wells Adequacy of public facilities to serve the development, including but not limited to roads, sidewalks, bikepaths, potable water, wastewater treatment, drainage, fire and police safety, parks and recreational facilities, and public schools On-site and off-site traffic impacts, pedestrian safety and adequate access and egress for city service and emergency vehicles Use of space from a functional and aesthetic perspective Safety of occupants, visitors, and the surrounding neighborhood Proposed use of materials and architectural features in relationship to neighborhood or surrounding area character, and aesthetic considerations Advisory Recommendations to the City Commission: The Board shall make a recommendation to the City Commission by formal written approved motion of the Board as to the conclusion of the Board that an application or proposal should be considered by the City Commission for approval, approval with specific conditions recommended by the Board, or denial. The Board’s recommendation shall be transmitted to the City Commission with all related staff reports, an index and executive summary of the staff reports prepared by the Department of Development Services, a summary of written materials submitted by the public for consideration at the Board’s public hearing, a summary of public comments at the hearing, and the complete application or proposal. Applications and Proposals Exempt from Board Review: Planning and Zoning Board review shall not be required for amendments to City ordinances that are initiated by the staff or the City Commission to correct grammar and spelling errors, change fees, change the organization of the ordinances, or change processing procedures when mandated by State Statutes, provided such changes do not affect consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the use of land, or change the meaning of the adopted regulations.